Relax We're A Boomer Party - Be Proud of It The election was close but in the end Biden triumphed, Democrats lost seats in the House and did not retake the Senate. (Pending a Georgia runoff, which admittedly could change the narrative). Once again progressives are scratching their heads on why their dreams of libertine social democracy don't seem to be coming to fruition, why the white working class is deserting them. This time a new variation has come, with some Latino voters switching sides, providing further evidence against the demographics is destiny argument. As someone who's often wished the Democrats would make a radical transformation to hack a system which privileges rural whites, this is somewhat disheartening. But not really. You accept it at a certain point. What we accomplish in the future will largely be based on luck and tactical decisions made on the fly. There is no new strategy, because any new strategy would be antithetical to our core values. Was I...